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Taking Advantage of Property Tax Exemptions

Remember to file for your homeowner property tax exemptions this year!
There are many exemptions Irving Las Colinas residents might qualify for depending on your situation. The most common is the General Homestead Exemption.

Requirements and information regarding each exemption can be found online at the Dallas Central Appraisal District website. You can also easily file your exemption by going once again to the DCAD website and searching for your property. You can then print out an exemption form for that specific property.

Depending on the exemption your tax savings can be quite significant. It is important that you take advantage of these savings. If you have filed in the past and your status has not changed it may not be necessary to re-file. Although I have found it is always a good idea to check your property on DCAD yearly and view which exemptions you currently have, as your status might have changed and you would be able to take advantage of other exemptions.

Below is a list of homeowner property tax exemptions.

General Residential Homestead Exemption
Over-65 Exemption
Surviving Spouse of Person Who Received Over-65 Exemption
Disability Homestead Exemption
Surviving Spouse of Person Who Received the Disability Exemption